Thursday, November 19, 2009

Batteries and Chargers

I won't be going to Quartzsite this year without resolving my battery issues.  I must admit they died a slow death due to my lack of knowledge and neglect.  Here is a picture of the (2) Werker 8D batteries needed to crank the engine. The picture doesn't do justice as to how big they are - each weigh 130 lbs.  I took one down to Batteries Plus   to see if there was any warranty left, which there wasn't, and to buy a new one is about $300 each - Ouch!  So, I lugged  it back home with the bright idea of adding new acid and charging it up as the cheapo fix.

After pumping out 3 gallons of acid and replacing it with new and then applying a charge for a day or so, all I managed to do was boil out some of the acid (see pic).  Then I gave up for the summer months (leaving them in the 100+ heat) until I had the inspiration to work on them again.  Long story short, see my link on batteries and read it at night when you can't sleep.
All you wanted to know about batteries and then some.

I haven't given up on the 8D's and tonight I will be ordering a new battery charger.

I looked at the Battery Tender brand which is recommend on several RV sites.
Click here to view larger image
It's about $60 + shipping.

I chose the BatteryMINDer because it has a desulfator/conditioner function.  In reading the many reviews, It sounded like some people had luck in reviving their old batteries to a functional state.  That is what I'm hoping for.  Otherwise, I will be buy new ones.  Either way, I need a charger that will keep them charged without boiling them.
BatteryMINDer® 12-Volt  2, 4, or 8 Amp Charger-Maintainer-Desulfator-Conditioner w/ABS-248

I will update this blog on the results.  It will take a week for delivery and from what Ive been reading about another week to desulfate the battery - if it can be done.

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